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Monday, August 29, 2011

Canning and a great Overnight Roast Tip

I am so excited - I have learned to can - and it is stinkin' fun! So far we have made salsa, relish, tomato sauce, chunky tomatoes, beans, raspberry jelly and my absolute favorite - tomato jelly!!


Tomorrow I will be attempting pears and peaches. I can't believe how much I enjoy doing this. For so long I was afraid of failure and that it would be just a short lived hobby. Not anymore. To see the jars on the counter full of yummy deliciousness and to know that I did it fills me with joy.

Later, when the weather turns colder I plan on canning some of the meat in my freezer, I will be using a tip I discovered that will help the process move along.

Cook your roast overnight at 200 degrees. 
Put it in before you go to bed and take it out when you get up, usually 8 to 10 hours of cooking. Alternatively you can put it in a crockpot to cook overnight if you don't want to keep your oven going  so long.
(At this point I will can the meat with homemade broth or gravy.)
Then let it cool for about an hour and put it into the refrigerator. 
An hour or so before dinner, put it back into the oven with onions and potatoes and carrots at 350 degrees. 
The roast will be so tender. 
Also, during the winter months, it helps to warm the house. 
During the summer, it keeps your house from heating up during the day.