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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why We are THAT Family

Kristin over at We Are That Family is celebrating her 2 year blogoversary and has asked us all to share in the fun and share a THAT Family moment. There are fabulous giveaways to be join in!

Over the years I have had MANY That Family Moments. Let's see, there was the time my toddler fell out of the barn loft onto his head - (he is perfectly fine - miraculous, but that is another post) and all day long whenever anyone assessed him I had to keep saying "no, the BIG knot on his forehead was already there when his big sister pushed him into the coffee table"

Or maybe when that same toddler drove his dad's truck into the house?

Perhaps the time I called 911 because I couldn't find my 2 year old and I was sure she was dead or abducted but in reality she was sleeping in a closet.

Or maybe when my youngest called 911 on the boyfriends cell phone and the police arrived at my parents home.

Just a couple of examples of why we Are That Family!

Happy Blogoversary Kristen!


  1. oh how funny! (and not!) I love families. We're all so nuts!

  2. Okay, I can honestly say my toddler has never driven a vehicle into the house. Wow. Love to hear that story!
